An impression of Tallinn in May 1998, May 2010 and May 2022

One of the consistent chroniclers of Tallinn’s development, Dan Mikkin, has captured the city’s iconic locations with a twelve-year gap between photographs. Mikkin took pictures of Tallinn’s views each time from the exact same spot, angle and under similar conditions to record changes in the urban space. In total, Mikkin has documented 80 locations across Tallinn, with the most characteristic ones presented in the exhibition. Mikkin has formed a portrayal of the city’s development over these three decades.

In addition to capturing architectural changes, Mikkin has also managed to reflect the city’s and its people’s inner essence in his photographs. The Tallinn built during these years largely reflects the choices of society – this city is the result of our actions.

Dan Mikkin is a designer for whom photography serves as a form of relaxation, though his designer’s eye never truly rests. His lens often captures street signs, buildings and cars. Mikkin seeks to understand how cities function and evolve, both in Estonia and beyond.

The editor of the exhibition is an urbanist, photographer and lecturer at Estonian Academy of Arts, Mattias Malk. Exhibition is designed by Koit Randmäe (Estonian Museum of Architecture). 

The exhibition will be open at the gallery of the Estonian Museum of Architecture from 17 January to 13 April 2025.